Posts Tagged ‘AD Era’

A blog people don’t read

My blog deals with the anomalies of modern history, or put another way, the macro history of the AD era. It can be considered controversial and even conspiratorial by some, but it aims mainly to show what a great world the bankers created in 1689. It follows that up by showing how HR stole the American pie in 1775 by creating a more sophisticated fiat banking system.

In the meantime, some entity seems bent on not having my blog or my book FED-ility circulated too widely, and a modern form of censorship comes to mind. I have blogged some 50 times, and the content should have aroused sentiment or curiosity, but so far, not a single comment.

This is a request to have anyone, who has read my blog and perhaps made a comment, to contact me directly at . In this way, I can at least check and see if I’m paranoid or not.

Thank you very much.

Stuck in the Present

Before we broke the time barrier, we were stuck in the present like all animals on earth. We responded to stimulus, and that was that. The day we realized we would someday die is when we started tying the past, present and future together. That’s what we call intelligence or godliness.

Nonetheless, common man was socially victimized right up to the ‘English Industrial Revolution’ in 1694, the year the Bank of England was created, and especially the ‘American Industrial Revolution’ in 1781, the year the Bank of North America was created.

Bankers, in wanting to create wealth, went about loaning money to the Governments in order for them to create jobs for common man. Parliament in England and Congress in the US then collected the taxes in order to make sure their loans were repaid. That’s what we call democracy; it’s a win-win situation for all concerned.

Since those revolutions, common man has looked towards the future in wanting to create, build, invent and dream. The last two hundred and some years have offered common man the best opportunities that man has ever known. No group of common people in the whole history of mankind had ever had it so good.

Nowadays, it seems that the opportunities offered common man for creating, building, inventing and dreaming are on the wane. We don’t care much to look at how we got here—how our financial world was created—and we don’t see much hope for the future. We’re stuck in the present once again.

The only hope common man has, if he wants to avoid being ever more victimized by Big Brother, is to understand how Big Brother created the world of finance in the first place, for only then will he see how he can start dreaming again. And that’s what my research is all about.

Anomalies of the AD Era

If we read the previous entries and believe that WWI was instigated by HR in the City, and financed by the FED, we can only conclude that something went very wrong, for the war to end all wars stopped like a wet firecracker after human loss of unbelievable proportions. Here’s why WWII was immediately put on the drawing board.



On the western front, the Americans had landed in France in June 1917. On the eastern front, following the October Revolution in 1917, Lenin took the Russians out of the war on December 23rd of that same year. Just when the East-West squeeze to destroy what was left of the Holy Roman Empire in Europe was on, Lenin who was a patriot and wanted agrarian reforms for his people, backed out. That’s why he was assassinated and replaced by Stalin. If we don’t believe it, maybe we should look at the events that led to Louis T. McFadden’s death.



Louis T. McFadden’s was Chairman of the very prestigious House Committee on Banking and Currency from 1920 to 1931. He accused HR’s FED of having caused the Great Depression, and also of having funded the Bolshevik Revolution, and in 1932, he moved to impeach President Hoover while bringing conspiracy charges against the FED. Again in 1933, he moved to impeach the Secretary of the Treasury, two assistant Secretaries of the Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, as well as the officers and directors of the FED’s twelve regional banks. Both legal actions failed, and there followed three attempts on his life. The first one was when two bullets missed him as he was getting into a cab. A second attempt was when he was poisoned at an official banquet and survived thanks to an on-the-scene doctor who quickly diagnosed his ailment and pumped out his stomach. Unfortunately, the third attempt was successful; he died of poisoning on a visit to New York City in 1936.



The two world wars represent the greatest historical anomalies of the AD Era and are explained in much greater detail in my book entitled FED-ility. Some may think that the two wars were a great thing for mankind while others may think the very opposite. But what’s important is to understand how Big Brother—he’s been around since 1773— operates, for only then will we live with less stress and fully take advantage of the benefits produced by the great market economies that were created in America, then in Europe (not quite finished), and now in China.